Get Rid of Expired and Unused Meds

There is no such thing as safe leftovers. 74% of Utahns with an opioid addiction get them from a friend or family member. Don’t leave expired or unused meds lying around. Safely dispose of your prescriptions properly in a pharmacy drop box. The proper disposal of opioid prescriptions lessens the chance of someone getting addicted. It also decreases the chance of dependence and accidents. Do your part to keep opioids in safe hands.


Safely dispose of your leftover or expired opioids by using a medication drop box. These permanent community collection sites are free and can be found at law enforcement agencies and participating pharmacies across the state.


Proper disposal is good for Utah. Think before you flush — don’t risk contaminating the groundwater or fish. 29% of Utahns reported throwing their unused or expired prescription pain meds in the trash, while 15% flushed them down the toilet or sink. If access to drop boxes or take back events is limited in your area, you can also follow the steps below to dispose of opioids in your household trash.

  • Mix medications (do NOT crush tablets or capsules) with items such as kitty litter, a soiled diaper or used coffee grounds; prior to putting in the trash, place the mixture in a sealed device (e.g., plastic bag).
  • Remove or scratch out all information on the prescription label before throwing out your empty pill bottle or other empty medication packaging.
  • If you are still unsure of proper disposal options, call the Utah Poison Control Center, 1-800-222-1222.


National Prescription Drug Take-Back Day is held every six months on the last Saturday in April and October. These community events are held across the state to provide a safe, convenient and responsible means for disposing of prescription drugs.